Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Venturing Out - Arlington National Cemetery

And so, fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. President John F. Kennedy

We have been in VA/DC for 4 weeks now, it has been quite an experience so far. I will be breaking it down into several blogs... just too much experience to fit into one little blog ;)
While Erik was in training, we did venture out to a couple of fun spots.  First, was Arlington National Cemetery.  It was truly a moving experience, especially the tomb of the unknown soldier. 
 My children were mesmerized and I think the sacrifices our military and their families have made throughout our history truly became real to them.  Arlington is a wonderful spot  - but it is a lot of walking (as is anywhere in DC).  And also as are most places in DC - it's free! I paid $5.00 to park and we stayed about three hours.  For me and three kids, that was enough but not enough to see it all. It did, however, spark Ella's curiosity about the Kennedy family, which opened the door to more history.  It also presented the opportunity to talk about both World Wars and the events that occurred to start the wars.  History comes alive when you can stand there and look out as far as the eye can see and realize that wars do happen, not just on a tv screen, the effects are real.  The cost is real and lives are lost.  People love this country enough to make the ultimate sacrifice for it.  
We will be going back. 

What I will do next time:
1. GET A MAP - I have no sense of direction, and we really walked all over the place!
2. Spend more time at the Kennedy's now that I am better equipped to answer those questions that my little history buff comes up with.
3. Download the ANC Explorer App from the app store (apple - but I'm sure there is an android one too), it's full of the information I wish I would have had that day! 
4. Take Erik - He was totally jealous we went without him!

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