Thursday, November 5, 2015

Preparing for Guests

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Guests Arriving - Home Prep
My mom is coming in two days! To say we are excited is an extreme understatement. This new life we are living kind of sets the stage for lots of guests, mainly because we are far away from all of our family and friends. If they are going to visit us, they're going to stay a while.  We are also in a good area for a little vacation, so it guarantees we will get to have some friends come see us! Kind of kill two birds with one stone - see good friends, see D.C.  - free place to stay;)  Anyway, in preparation for mom, the girls and I have been working to set up our basement/playroom/home school room (pics in another post) into a desirable and relaxing guest space.  I think we have done the best we can. I think the best part about it is that mom will feel like she is welcome, and we are ready for her. To help keep us on task I created a check list.  I've been working through it a little at a time ready by Saturday.
We planned to do our grocery shopping today, however, I had a migraine, and George and Ella are both completely cruddy, so grocery shopping is on hold.

Guests Arriving - Making Plans
Now, I wouldn't do this with most guests, but in mom's case, I have taken the liberty of planning some of the sights we will see.  I did this because she isn't a big traveler and I think if I left it up to her, she would leave it up to the girls, and we would probably visit an ice cream shop, a cupcake shop, their favorite restaurant, and a mall...ya feel me?
So here is what I've come up with so far.
Day 1 in DC: Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, WWII Memorial and the Vietnam Memorial

Day 2 in DC: Museum of American History, The National Archives, and possibly another Smithsonian of her choosing.  She would love the Holocaust Museum, but my littles are not ready for that.

Day 3 in DC: The Kennedy Center, Gravelly Park for lunch and to see some planes take off, and possibly a drive into Georgetown.

Day 4 in DC : Arlington National Cemetery - I've written about my experience here.

Day 5: I want to leave a day for Virginia.  It's pretty interesting on it's own.  The town we live in was the first planned community in the United States.  It has a beautiful lake surrounded by a coffee shop, walking trails, and play areas. I want to leave a day to enjoy our little area too.

Day 6: Amish Country - It's a couple of hours from here, but I think if we get going early we can make it a day trip.  I've always wanted to visit, and I know mom would love it too!

She will be here more than just 6 days, but we have an infant, and we home school, so there will be some days that we just need to hang here and recoup.  And some days that we will just get up and decide on an outing. Some I have in my back pocket are: 1. Monticello
                                                                                            2. Mt. Veron
                                                                                            3. The Newseum
                                                                                            4. Virginia's Natural Bridge
It's obvious that I am excited. I will post more on the little touches we added to welcome BeBe! And of course I will inundate you with share pictures of our adventures - that's why I started this blog :)
Well, that's all for me, gotta go get ready for mom!

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