Tuesday, December 15, 2015

November Recap and December Goals

November was an amazing month. Mom came to visit. We took in some of the DC sites and some of the more local scene as well. Having her here brought a sense of calmness. It's just always good to have someone familiar around, even though many times I am sure she felt anything but calm. We really stretched her comfort level, starting with the flight here, the Metro, all the way to the nearly 14 hour drive home. She grew some, and we loved her being with us!

We celebrated Ella's birthday in Gardendale with friends! It was wonderful to see everyone. Those trips always feel like such a whirlwind, but they are worth every second.

Erik and I also were able to carve out time for a boys night and a girls night respectively - it was much needed time to reconnect with those that we miss so very much! After a Brunch with Erik's family on Sunday, we headed to Opelika for Thanksgiving week. It was wonderful! So much time with family.
And of course  the much anticipated Black Friday shopping trip that Megan and I look forward to!  Such a wonderful time filled with so much laughter!
Oh, and...this happened - BABY'S FIRST HAIRCUT!

No trip back home is complete without heading into Auburn. 
We came back ready to tackle December and prepare for more family visits.
November goal recap:
            1. Stick to my new cleaning schedule - sort of:) with mom here, we took a break- but we are getting back into it now.
            2. Finish the basement/home school/playroom/guest room.  It's almost company time, and I want to know that is finished and ready for our guests- got some pictures to hang - otherwise- DONE!
            3. Take a Christmas Picture - OR - pick one we have already taken for Christmas Cards... Maybe - I still haven't decided if I am going to send them out or not- we did get a picture and I am sending them!

            1. Get to bed earlier. I have noticed that my whole day is better when I go to bed earlier.  So I want to be in bed by 10:00- sometimes- still working on this one.
            2. Also, because I am considering Health - spiritual health, I want to take time in November to list the things I am thankful for.  For some motivation on that, check out Ann Voskamp's Blog. - fail- although I did take time to stop and enjoy special moments, I did not list them like I wanted, however, I started that today! 

            1. Two kiddos have birthdays coming up so I need to start planning those, as well as                                                Christmas activities AND gifts- I'm in good shape here.  
            2.  Back to Bed time devotions with the girls - we were doing great with this until Erik left for two weeks and we got out of the habit.  I am looking forward to getting those nightly routines back- fail- these have got to come back. It's a priority. 
             3. Find an advent reading/study for our family to do- done- we are doing one in connection with the bible app. A study done by 121. It has a family application and questions for kids. Good stuff. Our favorite, Jesus Story Book Bible also has an advent study that someone put together. It's amazing, really anything that has to do with this book is amazing. 
Home school:
             1. Move the home school room downstairs. Done
             2. I have set reading goals for Anna, and math goals for Ella that I would like to see get achieved by Christmas- getting there.
             3. Establish a work alone system for Ella. - it's in process. Takes a lot of organization on my part, I'm trying😊

Now for my December Goals:
(since it's already December 8!

     1.List January Goals before January 8!
     2. "Mini-Tour" of our almost no cost basement set up.

     1. Really Finish the Basement - I lack a picture wall I've been wanting to do.
     2. Finish Decorating for Christmas and prepare for a house full of company! We are pumped that Erik's parents will be here for Christmas and my parents and sister, brother-in-law, and nieces and nephews will be in for George's first birthday! I'll be sharing a blog with my meal plan and some activities as well as my modified check list for company. 

     1. Outside Everyday - Vitamin D is super important and I need all the help I can get to combat the winter blues!
     2. Get up at 5:00 a.m. every day - I have done this for the last few days, and I feel like a new person! There is some time that is just mine! I need that. It's my time with the Lord, and time to plan my day. I love the way I feel ready to meet my kids when they wake up.
     3. Get in bed by 10:00 - see number 2 - I'm gonna need my sleep!
     4. I am putting this under health because I feel it's important -  I am going to try to get dressed, including make up everyday. I want to accessorize my outfits, and feel better. There are truly some days that I never leave the house. However, Erik does, and I don't want him coming home to a tired looking wife. I want him to see how happy I am to see him, and I feel putting some effort into my appearance will help that!

Home school:
     1. Find some fun December crafts and centers for the kids to do.  
     2. Finish Ella's Singapore Math part A book - my math goal for her is to move through part b and into the next level this year. We are on track for that. 
     3. I've set a sight word goal for Anna. She's really making lots of improvement! 
    4. Use the timer more.  I don't want to teach my kids only for standardized tests, however, if we get them back into school at some point - time management is an important skill. If not it's still a life skill. I want to help them be more comfortable with this.

Can't wait to share more of my progress. Part of my getting up earlier is an attempt to find more time to blog. Hopefully that will result in a better chronicling of our journey! Until then, I've got some goals to achieve, and some memories to make. 

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