Monday, February 1, 2016

January Rewind and February Goals

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January was a complete blur.  I almost dread doing this post because I don't feel like I accomplished anything.  Our family stayed from Christmas through January 2.  As I said earlier - it was a wonderful visit filled with lots of laughter, sight-seeing, and celebrations.
Perspective - when you look at a mess and you can see the memories made.
We also had some dear friends come for a visit over the long MLK weekend.  It's always awesome to spend time with those we love so much!  Then there was #winterstormjonas #blizzard2016 #snowisSTILLontheground #nomorehashtags in blogs, I promise!

 The month ended with an Awana Lock-in for Ella, Awana Grand-Prix car building, and a TDY for Erik. He's learning his way around Bishkek! Now for the fun part:
January Goals:
     1. Update the blog - Done! How do you like our new look?
     1. Get the rest of the Christmas put away! - Done
     2. My pantry and coat closet will be getting a make over this month.  - Ummmm not this month.
     3. We are going to become a "leave your shoes at the door" family. Done and it truly makes such a difference.  I love it. 
     1. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise...Not even once! Unless you count afternoon strolls with Erik and the baby. 
     2. Practice moderation in all things - tv, social media, food and drink, pretty much everything!
I have really done pretty well with this.  I think food may be my biggest downfall with this, I haven't made the healthiest of choice between company, and Erik's TDY.  I've been convicted that I am giving up Social Media for Lent -  so that should help too!

Home school:
     1. Branch out - Done - not in the way I wanted - however we studied Blizzards for a week straight. So I think it was still successful. 
     2. Review the scope of learning for each of my children's grade levels to be sure we are on track for the end of the year. - Done

     1. Serve more, participate more, reach out more. The kids dove into several big church activities, and I have tried to take a "people before tasks" approach this month. I've enjoyed several morning coffee dates and impromptu dinners with friends. I think if I let my to do list rule then I miss out on this most important aspect of making our way in our new life!

Now for February's less ambitious list

     At least one post per week.
    I'm Flying again.  Even saying that makes me sound like a goof.  I'm not doing everything the FLY lady recommends, but I am following her one room per week approach I will share more about this later.
     I really do want to do my pantry
     Drink more water
     Giving up Facebook and Instagram for Lent. (Keeping Pinterest because too many of my bible study ideas, book recommendations, recipes and home school sites are on there).
     Find a Dentist

Home School:
     Anna got glasses in January - After some adjustment, I plan to challenge her reading level. I have some small changes that I plan to make to see just what she is capable of when she can see - Ha!
     We are taking a family vacation the first part of the month.  I truly plan to be ALL there. It's so easy to be fringy...but this mama's all in! I'm excited about it.

As always, I will close with some of my favorite January Pictures - Not already posted :)

Erik introduced the kids to Star Wars, this is my princess Leia

When Daddy's away the girls...and George... play

Took a little time for some homemade Valentine's cards

Our Grand Prix Cars - Anna's is Gymnastics Car and Ella's is an eraser

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