Sunday, May 1, 2016

Finding Purpose

We just returned from another wonderful visit to Alabama.  There really isn't anything better than having time with family.   We spent some time in Birmingham, with Erik's aunt and family.  They are wonderful hosts.  We had lots of conversations and lots of laughs, we even got to spend some time with friends!   Then on to East Alabama by way of a first birthday party for my nephew.  After nearly a week there, it was time to head back home.  While we were there, my mom bought us tickets to see Rend Collective.  It was an amazing concert.  It was meant as a date, but once we got there, we saw extra tickets available, so we scooped up our oldest and brought her too.  I'm here to tell you - there ain't nothing like worshiping our Mighty God with your children!  We sang, we lifted our hands, we jumped, and of course, I cried (as I usually do when I worship).  The whole night was truly a blessing.  We left re-centered, focused on our God, our family, and our mission.  It's the mission part that I want to write about today.

The members each took a moment to speak...really preach... and it was awesome.  But it was something Gareth Gilkeson, the drummer, said that truly rang out.  He said (paraphrased) that we spend so much of our life looking for our purpose.  We seek out our calling, we ask God "why are we here?" We agonize over every little decision wondering, "is this what I'm called to do?" But, he said, our purpose is very clear, and it is plainly written in the book of Matthew.  Jesus said "Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always til the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

This is me...the person agonizing over my mission.  How can I save the world as a stay at home mom? How can this career path that our family has chosen (and I do mean our family, because Erik made this decision after lots of prayer and discussion from our whole family) align with our purpose?  How can you be a missionary and not technically be a missionary? Is taking our family half way around the world justified if it isn't for the outward purpose of bringing other's to Christ?  Those are the questions that rattle around in my head.  I feel that when someone is "called" into the mission field, we as Christians do our very best to support them and make that mission happen.  But, if I believe the Bible, and I do, WE. ARE. ALL. CALLED into the mission field.

So I don't have to go on wondering what my purpose is.  I don't have to wonder if we are justified uprooting our family for a career move, not a "mission" move; I can save the world by being a stay at home mom - because I am a missionary too! What am I going to do with that?  I really have no idea.  But there is so much freedom in just realizing that my purpose, is your purpose, is the purpose of my husband and my daughter who has already accepted Christ has her Lord and Savior, and the purpose of every single Christian on the face of this earth.  Make more Christians!  I can handle that.

I'll be writing more on this, trust me.  I feel like now that God has said "Heads up" he will continue to lead me down a path in which he will use me and my family to further His purpose.  And don't worry, I'm gonna share about it!  Until then, I think I'm gonna just chill in the freedom of finding my purpose!

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