Saturday, July 11, 2015

Moving Week

Moving week was tough. I felt simultaneously torn between never wanting our time with our family and friends to end and feeling so ready to just get on to the next phase. Our movers were excruciatingly slow. I'm talking two full days. They pulled out Tuesday night and we had to rush Wednesday morning to clean before a final walk through. We closed at 1:00 on Wednesday. Leaving our home was hard, leaving our neighborhood was harder. Wednesday morning as we were standing in our kitchen I looked at Erik and said "you know, up until this very moment, had you asked me where I'm from, I would have said Opelika/ Auburn, but I'm from Gardendale."  We have made a life for ourselves here, with a family and friends that mean so much to us. We stayed with friends the remainder of the week and that was really wonderful. I wouldn't trade that time with them for the world.
Some things I will do before our next move.
1. PURGE AGAIN- even though we had purged and purged and given away a ton, we still had a lot of stuff. It got to the point that if I questioned whether I wanted it or not, I packed it... I don't think that was a good decision.
2. I will pack my drawers, it isn't hard and then it's done. I guess I just didn't know what to do when movers come, but believe me, even though they are doing the work, it still takes your time, so anything I can do to speed the process along, I'm gonna do.
3. We stayed at our house as long as we could before the movers arrived. That was both good and bad. It's always good to be in your own bed, but at some point it stops feeling like home and starts feeling like a big ball of stress with doors and windows.
4. We packed our UAB ( unaccompanied air baggage) in the master closet and put a sign for our HHE ( household effects) movers so they would know not to pack those items. Next time I will schedule UAB first if possible.

*The one thing I did right-
We took every spare moment to enjoy family and friends, we didn't say no to anything or anyone. If the girls could spend the night, they did, if we could meet for dinner, we did. If there was any way, we made it happen. I WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. We left Gardendale with no regrets. And I loved our time there. Here are a few pics of our last days in the 'dale.

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