Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Week From Monday

The hubs and I were out walking tonight and as we passed our neighbor, she said "so, a week from Monday, huh?' My response - "huh?  Oh my gosh, it is a week from Monday!"  I was so caught off guard by that realization.  It isn't like I am not preparing, just hearing it out loud, kind of throws it off.

So, I thought I would list what I'm doing to prepare, for the move, both logistically as well as prepping my family.


About a week ago, I began researching things to do in order to prepare for movers.  There is a plethora of information out there if you just dig for it.  The most helpful were blogs written by military wives. You can also follow my Pinterest boards, I have tips under Travel and under my Washington DC board.  The State Department also provides this PDF that is so helpful.  

Anyway, I formed a timeline in which I will sort/pack up some items.  I dated the items and only scheduled one item/day in order not to feel so overwhelmed.  Here is the list:

  • My Grandmother's China - Pack to take to my mom and dad's house

  • Coat Closet - Put Rain Slickers in UAB (Unaccompanied Air Baggage - Luggage that will arrive closer to the date we arrive  - while we are in the Gov't provided housing)

  • Hall Closet - Put all art supplies in clear plastic bags and box up all small toys.

  • Yard - dig up plants I want to transplant at my mom's house while we are gone (I'm not neurotic - just a couple have sentimental value and I don't want to leave them behind)

  • Bathroom Closet - purge, get some baby bath cloths and a baby bath towel set aside for  UAB.

  • Put all medicine in clear storage to seal for the move. 

  • Bathroom Cabinets - clean out all travel bags, bag all fingernail polish, manicure sets, essential oils, etc. 

  • Papers/ Mementos - This is where I tackled the boxes that the girls kept all their special papers in.  We purged a little, and organized a lot.  It was fun and it's where I found this - 

  • My baby boy's bedroom closet - any loose toys went into boxes or clear plastic gallon bags.  I took this opportunity to get rid of or store any clothing that is out of season or doesn't fit. 

  • My Girl's Bedroom Closet - Box up soccer and dance stuff.  Then find storage for lots of little girly items.

  • Master Bedroom Closet - there is a safe in here - all documents in the safe will be scanned and saved on a thumb drive or an external hard drive that we will take with us. Also our movers won't move bullets, so I need to get them gathered together and prepared to move another way. 

  • Garage/Extra Storage - Some items to consider: Fertilizer, plant food, oil/transmission fluid, gasoline, car washing liquid, paints - anything that you don't really want to move.  I plan on giving as much as I can away to family or donating.  

  • Whole House - Photo/video entire house for insurance for move.  All blogs/publications will tell you this is the best way to have an inventory for your movers. 

  • Scan Documentation - print hard copies of all paperwork needed for the hubs and or our family for the move - IE: Travel orders.

  • Empty Gasoline out of Lawn Mower/ Trimmer, etc. 

I will post another blog listing items I plan to pack in our UAB vs HHE vs Suitcase for flight vs Shove it in the mini mini van and let the hubs carry it all :)


While prepping for our move - I've been prepping the family for the move.  We had a wonderful visit with my parents last weekend.  It was special time that I am super thankful.  This weekend, we will have our son Baptized in our home church before we leave.  We have wonderful friends that have been having get - togethers for us before we leave. And we have been taking every moment to spend that extra time with the ones we love and care about.  My oldest is spending the night with a friend tonight, and my middle one is bringing a friend home to play tomorrow.  We are soaking in as much friend time as we possibly can before the big day.  In addition to enjoying these moments, I am making a concentrated effort to include my children in all the planning.  I want them to know that this is a family move - that they aren't being dragged away.  We are making plans for when we get to DC and we are talking very openly about our fears and excitements.  It's a process... for all of us. 

A process that has had lost of squeal, giggles and LOTS of tears.  But a Process that we are sure is what is best for us, so with that - we will continue down this path, til God changes it. 

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