Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Early morning

We are at the beach this week. Trying to sneak in one last moment of peace before all the crazy happens. I'm up at 4:30 this morning thanks to my sweet baby boy. He decided to play instead of sleep and because we have done a complete fruit basket turnover - I have my oldest in bed with me, therefore, letting him cry isn't really an option. So we decided to take a walk and watch the sunrise. Although, as I'm walking, I realize we are on the gulf and the sun will rise to the far left not directly over the gulf like I pictured in my mind. So, we walk around the place we are staying. As we walk my mind wanders... Not wanders so much as more of a stream of consciousness type prayer. I talk to God, tell Him my concerns, praise Him for creation, and dream. I dream about what places we will see on this journey we are about to embark on. Where will I see the sun come up directly over the horizon like I've pictured in my mind? Where will I see it set? Will my children think this Foreign Service thing is the best experience they've ever had or the worst?
We met a wonderful family down here. They're from Mississippi. They come here every year with their family. It's their vacation. They love doing that. Why don't I? Why are Erik and I always looking for a new adventure? Some place we haven't seen yet.
Is it a spirit of discontent? I don't think so, I really think it's the Holy Spirit that lives within us. He created a stirring in our hearts and it hasn't settled. In fact, as we grow closer to the BIG MOVE it grows stronger. Why? I don't know. He will reveal his purpose in His good time. Erik and I both know it may not even be about us. He may be preparing our children for something great - and this may be the catalyst. We do know that it will be good, because it's His plan and His plan is always good. So for now I'm going to sip my coffee in the quiet of this morning, talk to my God and rest - because in about an hour there are gonna be some little kiddos up and ready to hit the beach for another day of fun in the sun.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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