Tuesday, January 19, 2016

One Way I Start My Day Off Right

I'm a semi fan of the Fly Lady. She basically has a cleaning and organization empire! I love her ideas, but it's a little overwhelming. I followed her guidelines for a couple of years, and it really worked, but alas, life took over, routines changed, we had a third baby, we packed up our life and moved to Washington DC, pin whatever excuse you want on it... But I haven't gone back to "flying."
There are a few of her ideas I still rely on and this is the main one. Shine your sink. When your sink is clean, the whole kitchen feels better and for me, the kitchen really is the heart of the home. I try to run the dishwasher at night, and leave my sink empty, that way it's clean and shiny to greet me the next day!  I don't always clean have my sink empty, but when I do, my whole home feels more manageable.(Insert meme of world's most interesting man -ha!)  Truly. Give it a try, I'd like to hear your thoughts. 

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