Monday, August 15, 2016

It's The Final Countdown

We are once again saying our goodbyes to family today.  Erik's cousin and family came for a visit and to take in the DC sights.  And, once again, it has been a wonderful visit and many memories have been made.  I've got all the feels about this goodbye as well as the many more that are coming our way.  If you had asked me yesterday about our move, I would have said that I just didn't have the energy for the emotions that are involved.  I would almost rather just leave, than have to say goodbye to family, than have to go back to Alabama and be faced with the thought of all the "lasts" even though they are temporary.  It is still going to be hard. I don't want to do hard right now.

Today, however, is a new day.  I am ready to face the day.  I have a list full of things to do, and I am ready to tackle them.  I am excited at the thought of my kids getting some special time with both Erik's parents (this week) and mine (next week).  I am looking forward to the trip to Alabama.  I want to see my parents, my sister and brother in law... niece and nephews - eeeek! I love sitting on my mom and dad's back porch with a cup of coffee listening to the sounds of the south.  I cannot wait to see our friends one last time, and some of Erik's aunts and uncles.  It will be tiring, emotional, and wonderful all at the same time.  My friend, Rachel, made an excellent point.  She said when her brother and his family lived away, they only saw them once a year, but they were so close, because it was for an extended amount of time.  The visit was more intentional.  I think that is just the mentality I need to work myself into.  Intentional visits with our friends and family, they may not be as frequent, but they will certainly be meaningful.

This is the last blog about emotions...this week :).  Next post is going to be about the logistics of our overseas move.  I plan to write about it to help document the experience for us, maybe come up with some changes for the next move, and to share with our friends and family who may be interested in all of the "stuff" that goes into an overseas move.

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