Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Juggling Time

So it's the end of May and it might as well be July 13 because the calendar is full of dates pertaining to the move.  I booked our flight yesterday.  The State Department is excellent at providing you all the information you need to know who to contact for flight scheduling.  One thing I have learned is that the name you are given on your job appointment letter is the person who will assist you with travel orders, but they are not your transportation counselor.  If you consult the pamphlets and booklet sent when you get your appointment letter, all of those numbers are in there.  I feel the need to make this clear because I may or may not have spent a full day trying to find out who to call to book our pack out.

When I did book the pack out, it couldn't have been easier.  I called the number listed, got a transportation counselor, we did a pre pack out survey, and he is working toward getting us a pack out date. The one hiccup for us is we have a contract on our house and the buyers would like to take possession BEFORE we pack out.  So we are in the process of juggling the closing/possession of our house with our pack out date. This will still leave us homeless for at least a week, maybe two-three weeks.  We said when we decided to join the Foreign Services that this would be an adventure and we would have to get really good at "rolling" with it.  Welcome first test of "rolling with it" trying not to fail!

One side note about the flight, when the operator verified our names, ages and flight date her last words were "one way" and I totally cried right there on the spot.  Of course she was British or Australian (I'm not good with accents) and I'm southern, so I'm pretty sure she just thought it was they way we talked down here.  Yes ma'am that's myself  - wail - my three kids - hiccup - for a oneway ticket to Washington DC - sniffle sniffle.

A couple of things we have learned.  For us, we are on a waiting list for a 2 bedroom at Oakwood Falls Church.  From everyone I have spoken to, it is the most kid friendly of the housing options that the State Department offers, but they are so booked that even though three bedrooms are available, they don't even have a waiting list available for those any more because of the demand.  Also, there is a lot of information in the packets that are sent to you.  There is information on per diems, travel expenses, transition expenses from pack out till you report to post.  All of this information is very informative, but can be extremely confusing.  For example, we know our first post will be DC. So if you are on this path, be sure to ask the person assisting you with your travel orders or your HR person which reimbursements you will qualify for.  Assume nothing, always ask.  We are very fortunate in that the State Department has agreed to fly me and the kids up, and Erik will bring the car.  Our other vehicle will more than likely be sold here before we leave.  That is still part of the logistics we haven't gotten to yet.

Along with the truck, we will be selling our washer, dryer, lawn mower, and some other tools.  I still need to talk with our insurance agent about movers insurance and renters insurance (another post) and  on a completely separate note - I have to plan a pre moving party for my girls, my son's baptism, get my kids health forms done so they can go to camp before we move, give a baby shower for my dearest friend, AND get my baby boy's medical clearance before we can get our official travel orders.

So much to do, so very little precious time.  In the mean time we did manage to squeeze in a little get away to the lake and will be vacationing at the beach next week.  Why yes, we do have our priorities in order.  Here are a couple of pics from the lake this weekend.

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