Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Beginnings and The Endings

     I should probably title this post the endings and the beginnings because that's more accurate.  With each day we draw closer to a move. A move away from a home that we brought two of our three children home to, a move away from a town that despite our best efforts to separate from at times has become so very dear to us, a move away from the church that has taught us to serve, to love the Lord, a church that has taught us that you don't go for the pastor, or the building, or the reputation, but you go because you love God, and you need to meet Him there each week, and because you love the people in that church - they're family to you and your children.  We draw nearer to a move away from deep friendships, yearly traditions like driving up to the church parking lot to watch the fireworks during the Magnolia Festival, the Christmas Parade, Vacation Bible School, and a camp that is near and dear to my heart.  A move away from our family - biggest sacrifice of all.  While we have never lived in a town with any of our immediate family we have always been near them.  I've always been just a 3 hour drive from "home" at my parents.  A little over an hour from my sister - and niece and nephews.  And some of Erik's extended family have been in our area and we have so enjoyed get togethers with them, family Easter egg hunts, birthday celebrations, dance recitals... the list goes on.
     While the list goes on and on, there is an undercurrent of excitement.  The adventure, the unknown, knowing that where ever we go, the five of us will go together.  The feeling that if we keep our eyes on God, that He is going to just pave the way - it's exciting.  And knowing we are moving, in a way, is a gift.  No second is taken for granted.  No opportunity is passed up.  Make every moment count.  Isn't that how we should live anyway?  No day should be taken for granted, no day is guaranteed.  Even as I write about our move in the very near future, I know very well how precious life is and that there are no guarantees, and that we love and serve a very Big God and he has Very Big Plans and He works all things for His Good, and His Good is better than any adventure that I could ever imagine. In that knowledge, I find peace.  

    There are tons of questions (another post) there are "to do" lists a mile long, there are regrets, there is a sense of sadness at leaving those we love, there is a sense of happiness that Erik has accomplished what very few have, happiness that he is going to face new experiences professionally, a sense of adventure and anticipation of seeing new places, experiencing new things, but there is also now.  And right now it's about 70 degrees, I have a warm cup of coffee and I am about to go sit on my  porch swing that I love so much and listen to my daughter read to me...

Enjoy the pictures... it's as much for me to relive some wonderful moments as it is to share about our journey. (they're in NO particular order)

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